What can be done to further include parents in the learning process of their children?

Often we as teachers notice that some students struggle with the material, yet the parents don't seem to show any concern. The saying , It takes a village to raise a child, is no more relevant than in the context of Parent-Teacher cooperation. Students have been seen to undoubedly benefit from a shared support strategy between the school and the home.

How can we as teachers make sure every single one of our students recieves these benefits?

What can be done when a parent refuses to participate?


  1. Un profesor debe primero que todo mantener una comunicación con los padres de sus alumnos. Puede ser en el cuaderno del niño o atravez de un grupo de whatsapp. Requiere más trabajo, pero los beneficios son grandes. Y bueno, siempre está el padre que no quiere o no puede participar en el proceso. Creo que lo único que se puede hacer es ver si hay otro familiar o adulto que pueda ofrecer su apoyo en la educación del niño.

  2. Parents are important in their children success. However, when parents do not want to collaborate with their kids it is really difficult for a teacher to do something. What I would do is to call parents for a meeting with the principal and me. Maybe if they see the school really matters, they might get involved, too.

  3. The parents involvement in the learning process of their children, produces positive results in their behavior as students, their classes attendance and the learning achievement; However, some parents do not get involved in the educational process of their children, due to ignorance, apathy, negative experiences in their own school process or lack of time, among others; That is why, it is so important, that as teachers, we must be convinced of the implications that parents have as part of the solution and not only see them as part of the learning problem of their children.
    As a teacher, to involve parents and achieve the learning objectives that I set in my classes, the first person I must convince about the importance of holding meetings with parents, is the principal; we should draw upon these school meetings showing parents our interest in engaging them to the educational process and our willingness to dialogue; then I will identify the different parents profiles and develop a communication strategy that builds trust and motivates them to want to know more about what their children do at school; I must take benefit of that first conversation with parents to also broaden their vision, soy they can learn that they are part of this team, and it can help their children to improve, not only at school but at home and their community and that also would benefit their role as parents, as well as the home environment. Finally, I would ensure that we select the most appropriate channel so we can keep a good and permanent communication.

    Brenda Margarita MB


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