
Showing posts from December, 2017

Hey! What are the best lunches to prepare in 2018? Somebody HELP...

¡No sé cocinar! ¿Qué voy a cocinar? ¿Qué es lo más rápido? ¡ya so las 10:00 pm y no sé que voy a llevar mañana de almuerzo!. Seguramente muchos hemos dicho estas frases en algún momento de nuestras vidas, sobre todo ante el reto de vivir en un país distinto, algunos de nosotros solos y tal vez el caso de muy pocos, pero aún así, primera vez que deben cocinar para sobrevivir. Tener hambre nos puede conducir a estados de animos no deseados, afectando potencialmente a las personas que nos acompañanan en el momento y así mismo, nuestras capacidades cognitivas, por ejemplo ¿Qué tan grave sería un ataque de hambre en medio de una clase? Sería muy útil compartit tips, consejos e incluso contar las experiencias que consideremos relevantes para aquellos que enfrentamos estas situaciones como  primíparo. ¿Cuáles son tus sugerencias? ¿Qué haces cuando padeces de hambre en situaciones inesperadas?

What topics would you like to discuss?

We believe everyone in education has something to offer in terms of experience, questions, anecdotes, and/or observations. We would like to hear from our readers and offer the chance to direct the conversaton on this blog. Please send us the topics of interest you would like to discuss.

What can be done to further include parents in the learning process of their children?

Often we as teachers notice that some students struggle with the material, yet the parents don't seem to show any concern. The saying , It takes a village to raise a child, is no more relevant than in the context of Parent-Teacher cooperation. Students have been seen to undoubedly benefit from a shared support strategy between the school and the home. How can we as teachers make sure every single one of our students recieves these benefits? What can be done when a parent refuses to participate?

How important is classroom management?

During my time at university, my education was focused on learning theory, pedagogical models, and a certain degree of applied linguistics... oh and some classroom management. Actually, classroom management ended up being a footnote in my syllabus and I hear from other students of education that this situation is more common than not. And yet, as I entered my first teaching experience, my lack of management skills rendered all my other knowledge moot. Any teacher with even mere hours of experience can tell you that it is the organization of people that enables the application of any kind of pedagogical theory, and yet little priority seems to be given to this essential competency in the realm of education teachers for the world. In the coming months, we will analyze the most distinctive elements of classroom management as well as focus on practical application. But first, let's begin with the few question for you readers to respond to: In your opinion, did your university ed