How important is classroom management?

During my time at university, my education was focused on learning theory, pedagogical models, and a certain degree of applied linguistics... oh and some classroom management. Actually, classroom management ended up being a footnote in my syllabus and I hear from other students of education that this situation is more common than not. And yet, as I entered my first teaching experience, my lack of management skills rendered all my other knowledge moot. Any teacher with even mere hours of experience can tell you that it is the organization of people that enables the application of any kind of pedagogical theory, and yet little priority seems to be given to this essential competency in the realm of education teachers for the world. In the coming months, we will analyze the most distinctive elements of classroom management as well as focus on practical application. But first, let's begin with the few question for you readers to respond to:
  • In your opinion, did your university education include a proper emphasis on classroom management?
  • What is the most difficult aspect of managing a productive classroom?
  • Can classroom management skills be taught formally, or must it be acquired through experience?


  1. La verdad es que el manejo de disciplina en clase es algo que mi universidad ha dejado para aprender en la práctica. Lo más dificil es cómo se presenta uno al salón cómo profesor. Aunque creo que una imagen autoritaria no fomenta un ambiente positivo, igual la imagen del profesor debe ser de alguien que está en control de la situación. Tal vez una clase de estrategias o métodos de auto observación podría preparar mejor a los nuevos profesores para enfrentar los retos de gestión en el aula.

  2. The university programs try to use didactic to help pre-service teachers learn classroom management. Nevertheless, no matter what you do in a university class, you, as a teacher, will really learn when you face reality.That is why, intensive internship programs are essential to complement theory.

  3. @Loveteaching275 Precisamente las universidades se han pasado la vida tratando de formar maestros, enfocándose mayormente en el aspecto teórico, que si bien es tan importante como el quehacer, el tiempo dedicado a este segundo, es casi que inútil. Por esta razón, concuerdo con @JoseLuisLopez, la clave definitivamente esta en intensificar los espacios de práctica.


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